Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm not going to apologise to anyone for writing this blog. For me it's a way of keeping people aware of what's happening to me without having to phone lots of people or sending emails. I go through lots of different emotions and feelings and to be honest even with this medium it's hard to explain just how I feel at any given moment.

I also am aware that it's very public and that people who are not really interested in how I'm doing are going to read it and make comments and that's fine. Personally I think that demonstrates their own inadequacies if they need to be nasty. I'm also rather aware that perhaps I'm more sensitive about certain things than normal, and I can't explain it except to say that the only people who really truely understand all of this are the people who have sat in a doctor's surgery and heard the words "you have cancer".

It's like being punched and the next moments are like watching television with the sound turned off, in slow motion. It's hard for Matt because he's dealing with the pain of me going through it all, and is also watching me go through it all and I know that he feels helpless. And he also has to deal with me feeling angry or grumpy or unwell or sad and me not being able to express why I'm feeling that way at that moment.

I'd like to recommend a book that I bought the other day - I think it should be required reading for anyone who might ever know someone with cancer. It's written by Deborah Hutton and is called "What can I do to help?" And explains basically practical things that people can do or say that really help. It also explains gently why somethings that are said don't help, even if the person saying them means well.

I'd also like to say to the people who are reading this who care about me - please feel free to add comments. And also remember that just knowing you are there and hearing from you is really helpful, as long as you understand that I might not respond to all your letters and emails. Just know that your love is really appreciated. It may be that we ask you to do other practical things after I've had surgery and am stuck at home recovering.

Z xx


Anonymous said...

Thinking of practical stuff.... have you got plenty to read for when you are at home? Happy to send over a pile of stuff if you let me know the type of thing you like. If I BookCrossing them first you can release them afterwards and watch them on their travels. Mands

Zoë said...

Books are always welcome, given I read so quickly.

I'll either book crossing them or donate them to the Royal Marsden library (if they will have them) or give them back to their previous owner.

Z x

Anonymous said...

I've been looking up sayings and proverbs for something and came across the following one:

Better to be ill spoken of by one before all, than by all before one.

Scottish Proverb


Anonymous said...

I came across your Blogg by accident and it moved me to tears. Fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

I have drifted over from the Fool. I was on holiday when you got the nasty response there so I am not aware of the wording.

I had Breast Cancer eight years ago and had nothing but support from friends and acquaintances. I still found it hard to come to terms with the news. (by the way no-one medical used the C word - weird)

To be insulted at this time is unforgivable.

Please try to put these bad comments away and rise above them.

I also feel for Matt. You are involved as things are happening to you and you do have a little control over them. He has to suffer knowing there is little of practical help he can do.

My husband was very strong for me, and was I grateful for that strength. I found out much later that he had shown his real fear to his mother and sister. Thank God he had some release.

My thoughts have been with you both since I heard the news.

Love Hilary (Granethan)

Anonymous said...

So long as I get my books back, don't you go letting them roam among strangers... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Fancing setting up a wishlist on Amazon or some such Z? Then we can make sure to buy you something you'll enjoy.

We may not be able to offer much practical help once you're out of hospital but if there's anything we can do just say the word.

Nancy xx

blondie said...

Negativity... why why why? I agree with Hilary's words whole-heartedly.

Zed, I just cannot imagine dealing with cancer but it seems the grief during treatment and recovery is not discussed or covered anywhere. Not that it's taboo1

My only parallel is my miscarriage (before the beautiful Ashlee). Not totally a taboo subject (again) but when something happens in your life.... boy I'd love a $1 for everyone who said "I've been through it!!!".

Love you,
keep positive again,
sorry for this late posting,
you've created a blogging demon
